


The 1967 War, the rise of Saudi Arabia, and modern energy politics

During the 50th anniversary of the 1967 war between Israel and its Arab neighbors, Bruce Riedel, senior fellow and director of the Brookings Intelligence Project, and Samantha Gross, fellow with the Cross-Brookings Initiative on Energy and Climate, detail the consequences of that struggle for Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states and the lasting reverberations for energy and geopolitical relations in the region today. Riedel and Gross examine the ongoing war and humanitarian crisis in Yemen, water use, and how the Gulf states are responding to economic pressures driven by low oil prices.

This episode is part of a series from the Center for Middle East Policy at Brookings, which offers a variety of perspectives on the 1967 War and its far-reaching implications for the region.

Show notes:
50 years: Legacies of the 1967 War

How the 1967 War dramatically re-oriented Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy

The 1967 War and the “oil weapon”

The Saudi Aramco IPO is a game-changer for the Saudi economy

The CIA’s overlooked intelligence victory in the 1967 War

What has King Salman achieved in his two-year reign?

With thanks to audio engineer and producer Gaston Reboredo and thanks for additional support from Vanessa Sauter, Fred Dews and Richard Fawal.

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