Global Education
Learning on the move
Expanding global partnerships to advance Africa’s agency and aspirations
Leveraging AI and emerging technologies to unlock Africa’s potential
Turning policy into action in Africa
Brahima Sangafowa Coulibaly
Vice President and Director
- Global Economy and Development,
Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development
Sophie Rutenbar
Nonresident Fellow
- Foreign Policy, Strobe Talbott Center for Security, Strategy, and Technology
Margaret M. Pearson
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Foreign Policy, John L. Thornton China Center
Louise Fox
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Africa Growth Initiative
John Mukum Mbaku
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Africa Growth Initiative
Witney Schneidman
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Africa Growth Initiative