
Peace Process

American Diplomacy and the Arab-Israeli Conflict since 1967 - Third edition

William B. Quandt
Release Date: April 1, 2005

In this timely new edition of Peace Process, William B. Quandt analyzes how each U.S. president since Lyndon Johnson has dealt with the complex challenge of brokering peace in the Middle East, from the 1967 Arab-Israeli war to the death of Yasir Arafat. This classic work has now been updated to reflect recently declassified U.S. government documents and other published materials relating to the Johnson, Nixon, and Clinton presidencies, and to carry the story through George W. Bush’s first term.

The most comprehensive account of the Middle East peace process in print, the book places the current situation in historical context and point to possible ways out of the impasse between Israelis and Palestinians. The text is complemented by extensive online appendixes containing significant treaties, resolutions, and speeches.


Appendix A: United Nations Resolutions 242 and 338

Appendix B: Joint U.S.-USSR Working Paper, Fundamental Principles (The Rogers Plan), October 28, 1969

Appendix C: Letter from President Ford to Prime Minister Rabin, September 1, 1975

Appendix D: Joint Communiqué by the Governments of the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, October 1, 1977

Appendix E: Briefing Book for President Carter at Camp David, August 1978; The Camp David Accords, September 17, 1978

Appendix F: Carter’s Answers to King Hussein, October 1978

Appendix G: Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty, March 26, 1979

Appendix H: President Ronald Reagan’s Speech and Talking Points, September 1, 1982

Appendix I: The Shultz Initiative, March 4, 1988

Appendix J: Letter from Secretary of State George P. Shultz to Swedish Foreign Minister Sten Andersson, December 3, 1988

Appendix K: Statements by Yasir Arafat and George Shultz, December 14, 1988

Appendix L: Excerpts from Speech by President George Bush, March 6, 1991

Appendix M: James Baker’s Letter of Assurance to the Palestinians, October 18, 1991

Appendix N: U.S.-Soviet Invitation to the Mideast Peace Conference in Madrid, October 18, 1991

Appendix O: Excerpts from President George Bush’s Address to the Mideast Peace Conference, Madrid, Spain, October 30, 1991

Appendix P: Israeli-PLO Mutual Recognition Statements, September 9, 1993

Appendix Q: Oslo I Agreement, September 13, 1993

Appendix R: The Cairo Accord, May 4, 1994

Appendix S: Oslo II–Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, September 28, 1995

Appendix T: Framework for the Conclusion of a Final Status Agreement between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization, the “Beilin-Abu Mazin” Understanding, October 31, 1995

Appendix U: Agreement on Temporary International Presence in Hebron, May 9, 1996

Appendix V: Protocol Concerning the Redeployment in Hebron, January 17, 1997 (available soon)

Appendix W: The Wye River Memorandum, October 23, 1998

Appendix X: Letter from Bill Clinton to Yasser Arafat, April 26, 1999

Appendix Y: The Sharm el-Sheikh Memorandum, September4, 1999

Appendix Z: Framework Agreement for Permanent Status, Discussion Draft, May 20, 2000, Harpsund, Sweden

Appendix AA: Israeli-Palestinian Framework Agreement on Permanent Status, Discussion Draft, July 13, 2000, Camp David II (available soon)

Appendix AB: Clinton Proposal on Israeli-Palestinian Peace, December 23, 2000

Appendix AC: Arafat Letter to Clinton, December 28, 2000

Appendix AD: Remarks and Questions from the Palestinian Negotiating Team Regarding the United States Proposal, January 1, 2001

Appendix AE: Remarks by President Clinton at Israel Policy Forum Gala, January 7, 2001

Appendix AF: President Bush’s Remarks about Palestinian Leadership, June 24, 2002

Appendix AG: Performance-Based Roadmap to a Permanent Two-State Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, April 30, 2003

Appendix AH: Letter from President Bush to Prime Minister Sharon, April 14, 2004

