On February 27, the Center on the United States and Europe at Brookings will host Franco Frattini, Italy’s minister of foreign affairs, for an address on the upcoming G8 Summit.
Italy, which took over the G8 presidency earlier this year, has set five priorities for the G8 meeting in Sardinia this summer. Minister Frattini will detail Italy’s priorities which include the global financial and economic crisis; climate change and energy security; non-proliferation and terrorism; development and Africa; and regional crises in South Asia and the Middle East—elaborating in particular on Italy’s proposed regional conference on Afghanistan in June 2009.
Minister Frattini was appointed minister of foreign affairs on May 8, 2008, following four years as the European Commission’s vice president and commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security. He previously has held a number of positions in the Italian government, including foreign minister (2002-2004), minister for civil service and for coordination of Intelligence and Security Services (2000-2002), Rome City counselor (1997-2000), member of Parliament (1996-2004), and secretary-general of the prime minister’s office (1994-1995) under Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
Senior Fellow Daniel Benjamin, director of the Center on the United States and Europe, will provide welcoming remarks and Senior Fellow E.J. Dionne, Jr. will provide introductory remarks. After the program, Minister Frattini will take audience questions in a session moderated by Visiting Fellow Federiga Bindi.
February 27
E.J. Dionne, Jr. W. Averell Harriman Chair and Senior Fellow - Governance Studies, Center for Effective Public Management @EJDionne -
Featured Speaker
FFFranco Frattini Foreign Minister -
FBFederiga Bindi Former Brookings Expert