

3:00 pm EST - 5:00 pm EST

Past Event

Pakistan: Dream Deferred or Denied?

  • Wednesday, February 25, 2009

    3:00 pm - 5:00 pm EST

Center for International and Strategic Studies
B1 Conference Room

1800 K St., NW
Washington, DC

With a planned U.S. “surge” in an increasingly unstable Afghanistan, the recent release from house arrest of atomic scientist A.Q. Khan, and a continuing diplomatic stand-off with India, Pakistan remains a key actor in the regional and global security dynamic. For the foreseeable future, the political and security situation in Pakistan is likely to be of vital importance for American counter-terror objectives in the region, as well as for global non-proliferation efforts.

On February 25, the Brookings Institution, in collaboration with six other think tanks, will host two panel discussions on the present and future of Pakistan, bringing together some of the leading Pakistan experts in Washington. The discussions will be held in honor of the late Pakistani journalist, author and translator Khalid Hasan. The first panel will feature Brookings Senior Fellow Stephen Cohen, Lisa Curtis of the Heritage Foundation and J. Alexander Thier of the U.S. Institute of Peace. The second panel will include Teresita Schaffer of CSIS, Robert Hathaway of the Woodrow Wilson Center and Marvin Weinbaum of the Middle East Institute.

At the end of each panel, the speakers will take audience questions.
