This Forum on U.S. policy toward Northeast Asia marks two events: the reappraisal of U.S. foreign policy by a new administration and Congress, and the release of the first Brookings Northeast Asia survey. The Survey is a collaborative effort among Asian and American scholars of the Brookings Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies (CNAPS). It analyzes key events in Northeast Asia during 2000-2001, and offers perspectives and recommendations for policymakers on both sides of the Pacific. The forum will focus on political, economic, security, and trade issues in U.S./Northeast Asian relations.
March 15
NLNicholas Lardy Anthony M. Solomon Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International EconomicsTEDThomas E. Donilon Former U.S. National Security Adviser, Senior Partner - O’Melveny and Myers, Trustee - The Brookings Institution -
Overview, Welcome and Introdution
Panel One: Politics and Security in Northeast Asia
Panel Two: Economics and Trade in Northeast Asia