In the National Defense Strategy (NDS) released earlier this year, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis states “America’s military has no preordained right to victory on the battlefield.” The NDS not only argues for urgency in planning, but it marks a significant change in the focus of our forces. Notably, the document marks a shift from anti-terrorism operations to great power competition, including a new commitment to countering the actions of China and Russia. This shift has immediate consequences for policymakers around the world, and it will continue to require additional examination and discussion as it goes fully operational in the time ahead.
On April 26, Foreign Policy at Brookings hosted a forum on the near term, global impacts of the recently released NDS. Panelists included military fellows from Brookings and other think tanks as well as a number of national security professionals with backgrounds in government and academia. General Robert Neller, commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, headlined the event, with a discussion on resetting the Department of Defense under the 2018 NDS. Brookings President John R. Allen joined General Neller for the discussion.
Following each panel and the keynote discussion, panelists took audience questions.
The return of great power competition
A discussion with General Robert Neller
April 26
9:00 am - 9:05 am
Colonel Gerald Graham Federal Executive Fellow - The Brookings Institution, Colonel - U.S. Marine Corps -
How the National Defense Strategy may impact service priorities
9:05 am - 10:05 am
Colonel Jesse J. Friedel Military Fellow, International Security Program - Center for Strategic and International Studies, Colonel - U.S. Air ForceCommander Kate Higgins-Bloom Federal Executive Fellow - The Brookings Institution, Commander - U.S. Coast GuardCommander Daniel G. Straub Military Fellow - Center for a New American Security, Commander - U.S. Navy -
The return of great power competition
10:15 am - 11:45 am
Michael E. O’Hanlon Director of Research - Foreign Policy, Director - Strobe Talbott Center for Security, Strategy, and Technology, Co-Director - Africa Security Initiative, Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy, Strobe Talbott Center for Security, Strategy, and Technology, Philip H. Knight Chair in Defense and Strategy @MichaelEOHanlonPanelist
Thomas H. Harvey III Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Plans, and Capabilities - U.S. Department of DefenseKelly Magsamen Vice President, National Security and International Policy - Center for American Progress @kellymagsamenRear Admiral Cathal S. O’Connor Chief of Staff, J-5, Joint Staff - U.S. Navy -
A discussion with General Robert Neller
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
General Robert B. Neller Commandant - U.S. Marine Corps