
Employment Policies and Programmes in Central and Eastern Europe

Martin Godfrey and Peter Richards
Release Date: July 1, 1997

Governments of economies in transition face formidable labor market problems. Many countries of Central and Eastern Europe are devoting considerable efforts to building labor market institutions and designing policies and programs to meet the challenge of growing unemployment and the underutilization of labor. These problems will only be solved by restructuring the economy toward profitability and efficiency, and by reviving the demand for labor.

This volume contains country studies on Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and the Ukraine. It looks at government responsibilities in relation to employment, ways of improving the operation of the labor market (e.g., through laws, regulations, assistance with job search), the range and content of programs, and the financing of employment services and unemployment benefits. An introductory chapter summarizes the labor market performance of Central and Eastern Europe in light of the West European experience.

The book is filled with valuable information for policymakers, economists, and students concerned with the economies in transition. As these countries face major financial constraints, it is particularly important to determine which policies and programs are the most cost-effective.
