In the last two decades, a range of innovative financing mechanisms have been employed with the goal of increasing or improving the effectiveness of funding in the health sector. Efforts to improve the effectiveness of health spending include mechanisms that make payments contingent upon the achievement of results.
These mechanisms include social and development impact bonds (SIBs and DIBs), which have the potential to focus financing on results in the health sector. While still a nascent field, 13 impact bonds have been contracted in the health sector globally, and many more are in development.
This webinar explored the potential applications for impact bonds for health, drawing on learnings from high-income and developing countries. A panel of experts outlined the landscape of outcome-based financing in the health sector, and reviewed existing examples of impact bonds for health, as well as the potential for harnessing the tool for curing diseases.
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Impact bonds market and applications to health
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Existing impact bonds for health
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Priya Sharma Senior Policy and Innovative Financing Advisor - Center for Accelerating Innovation and Impact at USAID @psharma1304 -
Funding the cure for a disease
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Expert commentary
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Closing remarks
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