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Washington, DC 20036
The issue of strategic nuclear arms reductions now tops the U.S.-Russia agenda, particularly as the countries strive to conclude a new nuclear arms agreement to replace the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, which expired on December 5. For much of the 1990s, nuclear arms reductions and missile defense were major issues for the bilateral agenda between Washington and Moscow. During that period, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Canada—then Deputy Foreign Minister—Georgiy Mamedov served as Russia’s point-man for negotiations with the United States on arms control questions.
On November 24, the Center on the United States and Europe at Brookings hosted Ambassador Mamedov for a conversation on the experiences and lessons learned from U.S.-Russian arms control efforts in the 1990s. Following his presentation, Brookings President Strobe Talbott, who as ambassador-at-large for the New Independent States and deputy secretary of state was Ambassador Mamedov’s U.S. counterpart, shared his perspectives. Brookings Senior Fellow Steven Pifer moderated the discussion.