Buy Gene Ludwig’s book “The Vanishing American Dream” here.
In 2019, former Comptroller of the Currency Gene Ludwig hosted a bipartisan group of the nation’s foremost economic thinkers — academics and politicians, CEOs and former presidential advisors — to candidly discuss how middle- and lower-income Americans were being left behind despite economic indicators that painted a rosy picture. Even when the unemployment rate was near record lows and the stock market near record highs, the gap between low- and moderate-income Americans and their wealthier counterparts had become unconscionably wide, especially when taking into account racial disparities. The COVID-19 pandemic has destroyed the illusion that the country as a whole was thriving and presents an opportunity to create a recovery that addresses the economic injustice that threatens so many Americans. Ludwig’s book “The Vanishing American Dream,” to be released on September 22, shares the profound insights of the 2019 symposium and sheds light on the inadequacies of current economic indicators.
On September 16, the Future of the Middle Class Initiative at the Brookings Institution hosted distinguished speakers, including several of the symposium participants, to discuss the themes of “The Vanishing American Dream,” including the economic realities facing lower- and middle-income Americans, as well as potential solutions to rebuild a more inclusive American Dream for the long term.
Viewers can submit questions to [email protected] or on Twitter using #VanishingAmericanDream.
Panel 1
Panel 2 & Closing remarks
September 16
'Zoom-side chat’ on “The Vanishing American Dream”
Eugene A. Ludwig Chairman - Ludwig Institute for Shared Economic Prosperity (LISEP), Chairman - Promontory Financial Group, CEO - Promontory MortgagePath, Managing Partner - Canapi @geneludwigIsabel V. Sawhill Senior Fellow Emeritus - Economic Studies, Center for Economic Security and Opportunity @isawhill -
Panel 1
Stephanie Aaronson Senior Associate Director, Division of Research and Statistics - Federal Reserve BoardPanelist
Jay Shambaugh Under Secretary for International Affairs - U.S. Department of the Treasury @JayCShambaughJanet L. Yellen United States Secretary of the Treasury - United States Department of the Treasury, Former Distinguished Fellow in Residence - Economic StudiesSarah Bloom Raskin Former Deputy Secretary - U.S. Department of the Treasury, Distinguished Fellow, Global Financial Markets Center and Senior Fellow, Duke Center on Risk: Science and Society Initiative - Duke University School of Law -
Panel 2
The Hon. Deval Patrick Founder & Chairman - TogetherFUND PAC, former Governor - State of Massachusetts @DevalPatrickIsabel V. Sawhill Senior Fellow Emeritus - Economic Studies, Center for Economic Security and Opportunity @isawhill -
Closing remarks
Eugene A. Ludwig Chairman - Ludwig Institute for Shared Economic Prosperity (LISEP), Chairman - Promontory Financial Group, CEO - Promontory MortgagePath, Managing Partner - Canapi @geneludwig