


12:00 pm EST - 1:30 pm EST

Past Event

The State of U.S.-Japan Relations

  • Friday, November 20, 2009

    12:00 pm - 1:30 pm EST

The Brookings Institution
Stein Room

1775 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC

The Brookings Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies and the U.S.-Japan Council recently co-hosted an event featuring Ambassador Ichiro Fujisaki of Japan and Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii on the current state of U.S.-Japan relations including President Obama’s visit to Japan in November 2009 and Congressional views on the U.S.-Japan alliance.

The State of U.S.-Japan Relations marked the USJC’s inaugural event in the Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies policy luncheon series, partnering with major organizations focused on U.S.-Japan and Asia relations.  Senator Inouye gave remarks on Congressional views on U.S.-Japan relations and Ambassador Fujisaki discussed President Obama’s November visit to Japan.