The Affordable Care Act (ACA), through the individual health insurance markets, provided coverage for millions of Americans who could not get health insurance coverage through their employer or public programs. However, recent actions taken by the federal government, including Congress’s repeal of the individual mandate penalty, have led to uncertainty about market conditions for 2019. Market stabilization is currently the most critical regulatory issue that public policy officials are facing under the private insurance component of the ACA.
On Friday, July 13, the USC-Brookings Schaeffer Initiative for Health Policy hosted a conference on strategies for stabilizing the individual market. Keynote speaker Mark Hall presented his research findings on a new study, which examines the recent experience of ten states with respect to individual market stability, including Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, Nevada, Ohio, and Texas. Two expert panels convened to discuss outlook for the individual market at both the individual state and national level.
Panel 1: What we learned in four states
Panel 2: Outlook for the Individual Market
July 13
Welcome and Overview
9:00 am - 9:05 am
The State Study: Summary Findings
9:05 am - 9:35 am
Panel 1: What we learned in four states
9:35 am - 10:45 am
Alice M. Rivlin Former Brookings ExpertPanelist
Brad Wright Associate Professor, Department of Health Management and Policy - University of IowaLynn Blewett Professor, Division of Health Policy and Management, School of Public Health Director, SHADAC - University of MinnesotaLouise Norris Health Care Writer - Colorado Health Insurance Insider -
Panel 2: Outlook for the Individual Market
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Jason Levitis Former Nonresident Senior Fellow - USC-Brookings Schaeffer Initiative for Health Policy, Principal - Levitis Strategies LLC @jasonlevitisPanelist
Matthew Fiedler Joseph A. Pechman Senior Fellow - Economic Studies, Center on Health Policy @mattafiedlerSabrina Corlette Research Professor - Center on Health Insurance Reforms, Georgetown UniversityThomas P. Miller Resident Fellow - American Enterprise InstituteCynthia Cox Director, Program for the Study of Health Reform and Private Insurance - Kaiser Family Foundation @cynthiaccox