


9:00 am EDT - 6:00 pm EDT

Past Event

Citizens of the future: Innovations to leapfrog global education

  • Monday, May 21, 2018

    9:00 am - 6:00 pm EDT

Brookings Institution

1775 Massachusetts Avenue N.W.
Washington, DC

The world is facing an urgent learning crisis. Experts predict that, by 2030, 825 million children in low- and middle-income countries—half of today’s youth generation—will reach adulthood without the skills they need to thrive in work and life. More worrisome still, it will take approximately 100 years for the most marginalized youth to achieve the learning levels that the wealthiest enjoy today. Confronted with these pervasive and persistent inequalities, we must make room for bold new approaches that have the potential to deliver quality learning for all children and youth, not in a century, but today.

On May 21, 2018, the Center for Universal Education at Brookings (CUE) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) hosted an international conference which focused on the potential of education innovations to rapidly accelerate progress in global education.Citizens of the Future - May 21

The conference convened a global community of education innovators, funders, policymakers, and practitioners to explore the promise of leapfrogging in education—rapidly accelerating educational progress to ensure that all young people develop the skills they need to thrive in a fast-changing world. Through a series of conversations bridging educational research and practice, participants contributed to the global innovations community and left with actionable insights into how they might orient their work toward a leapfrog vision of education and ultimately help our children and youth build the skills they need to constructively address the problems of tomorrow.

Please contact [email protected] with any questions or media requests.

Session 2 - Unburdening teachers: Harnessing the power of community expertise and technology

Session 2 - Unburdening teachers: Harnessing the power of community expertise and technology

Session 3 - Innovations in teacher training: A key element in developing the education workforce

Session 3 - Innovations in teacher training: A key element in developing the education workforce

Session 4 - Education innovations in practice (Falk)

Session 4 - Education innovations in practice (Saul/Zilkha)

Session 5 - What is next for the education innovations community?


  • May 21
    • Session 1: Accelerating progress in education to develop citizens of the future

      9:00 am - 10:30 am

      Universal public education is traditionally seen as the one sure means to promote widespread economic and social advancement. Yet, around the world, education is increasingly fueling inequality. Do innovations hold the potential to leapfrog education, ensuring that every young person develops the full set of skills they need to thrive in the future? Through a discussion of new research from the Center for Universal Education, this session will lay the foundation for the day’s focus on innovative practices for teachers and teaching.


      Valerie Smith
      Valerie Smith President - Swarthmore College
    • Session 2: Unburdening teachers: Harnessing the power of community expertise and technology

      10:30 am - 12:00 pm

      In the rush to crowd innovative programming into classrooms across the globe, we often lose sight of the outsized burden that teachers already shoulder. Research shows that teachers in almost every country are regularly tasked with a long list of responsibilities—from administrative duties to assisting in school-wide functions—that have little to do with igniting meaningful learning in their classrooms. To achieve a true leap forward in global education, teachers must be supported by a diversity of people, places, and tools. This session will consider how education innovations can elevate and support teachers to facilitate transformative learning.


      Greg Toppo
      Greg Toppo Senior Editor - Inside Higher Ed


      David Calle
      David Calle Founder - Unicoos, Top 10 Finalist - 2017 Teacher Prize
      Manolo Díaz CEO and Co-Founder - Yogome
      Alison Naftalin
      Alison Naftalin Founder - Lively Minds
      Hadi Partovi
      Hadi Partovi CEO -
    • Networking lunch and deep-dives on EdTech

      12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

      Participants will get a chance to mix and mingle over lunch, including having the opportunity to attend an EdTech Deep-Dive session.

      Amy Bellinger
      Amy Bellinger Project Lead, Education Workforce Initiative - The Education Commission
      Anthony Bloome Senior Education Technology Specialist - USAID
      Miguel Brechner
      Miguel Brechner President - Centro Ceibal
      Rachel Hinton Head of Education Research - Department for International Development (DFID)
      Ju-Ho Lee
      Ju-Ho Lee Professor - KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Former Minister of Education - South Korea, Chair, Education Workforce Initiative - The Education Commission
      Hadi Partovi
      Hadi Partovi CEO -
      Mandeep Samra Lead - Department for International Development (DFID), Ed-Tech and Innovation Hub
      Liesbet Steer Executive Director - The Education Commission, President/CEO-elect - Education Development Center, Former Brookings Expert
      Victoria Tinio Executive Director - Foundation for Information Technology Education and Development (FIT-ED)
    • Session 3: Innovations in teacher training: A key element in developing the education workforce

      1:30 pm - 2:45 pm

      Teachers are perhaps the most important actors in students’ educational careers. Time and again, research from the learning sciences point to the fact that changes in teaching practice yield some of the highest returns on student learning. Of course, teachers must be empowered with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively implement such transformative educational practices. As such, any leap forward in global education will undoubtedly rely on a diverse and talented contingent of educators. However, research by the Center for Universal Education has uncovered a worrisome lack of attention to teacher training in innovations across the world. This panel will highlight gaps, trends, and promising practices in innovations that are working to develop the skills and knowledge of educators and school leaders.


      Jenny Anderson Journalist


      Ju-Ho Lee
      Ju-Ho Lee Professor - KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Former Minister of Education - South Korea, Chair, Education Workforce Initiative - The Education Commission


      Vicki Phillips
      Vicki Phillips CEO in Residence - Educurious
      Mary Cathryn Ricker
      Mary Cathryn Ricker Executive Vice President - American Federation of Teachers
      Vishal Tareja
      Vishal Tareja Co-founder - Dream a Dream
    • Coffee break

      2:45 pm - 3:00 pm

    • Session 4: Education innovations in practice

      3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

      The word “innovation” is often thrown around in the education community without clear definition. Participants will get a chance to engage with over 6 innovators from around the world who will bring the term to life through hands-on demonstrations of the sorts of education practices that hold the potential to contribute to a global leap forward.


      Rodrigo Dearmas
      Rodrigo Dearmas Co-Founder and Director - UYRobot
      Jane Dimyan Ehrenfeld
      Jane Dimyan Ehrenfeld Executive Director - Center for Inspired Teaching
      Karima Grant
      Karima Grant Executive Director - ImagiNation Afrika
      Linda Liukas
      Linda Liukas Founder - Hello Ruby
      Juan Manuel Lopera Co-Founder and CEO - Aulas Amigas
      Claudio Sassaki
      Claudio Sassaki Co-Founder and CEO - Geekie
    • Session 5: What is next for the education innovations community?

      4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

      Education innovation is taking root across the globe with robust communities of experimentation happening in all continents. From the highest-performing countries to the lowest, actors around the world are actively experimenting with novel ways to improve learning. With such a diversity of innovations, how do education stakeholders learn from each other and ultimately determine what practices to adopt? This is where “Innovation Spotters” come in. Innovation Spotters are a diverse cohort of organizations actively searching the globe to find, highlight, and sometimes fund education innovations. But how can these actors translate their spotting work into true educational transformation on the ground and ultimately help education leapfrog? In this session, a panel of Innovation Spotters will discuss the role of innovation spotting and grapple with the question of what comes next for the education innovation community.


      Marcelo Cabrol
      Marcelo Cabrol Manager of the Social Sector - Inter-American Development Bank


      Javier González
      Javier González Director - SUMMA, Affiliated Lecturer - University of Cambridge
      David Istance
      David Istance Former Nonresident Senior Fellow, Center for Universal Education
      Gina Lagomarsino
      Gina Lagomarsino President and CEO - Results for Development
      Anna Penido
      Anna Penido Director - Instituto Inspirare
      Saku Tuominen
      Saku Tuominen Founder and CEO - HundrED
    • Reception and innovations fair

      5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

      Reception and networking. The audience will also have the opportunity to interact with the innovators from the Innovations in Practice session, along with other innovators who are participating in the Innovations Fair, guests can go to tables in side rooms and interact with whatever tools/activities the innovators bring, and ask their own questions.