


Past Event

2015 U.S.-Islamic World Forum

Monday, June 01 - Wednesday, June 03, 2015
Doha, Qatar

On June 1-3, 2015, the Brookings Institution, in conjunction with the State of Qatar, convened the 12th annual U.S.-Islamic World Forum. The theme of this year’s Forum was “Changing Assumptions,” which relates to historic shifts in geopolitical realities affecting the United States and Muslim-majority countries, as well as to societal and cultural norms.

The Forum’s plenary sessions (WEBCASTsee agenda below) highlighted several dimensions of relations with and within a rapidly changing Muslim world. Panelists discussed a wide range of topics, including:
-Strategic priorities for the United States and the Middle East
-Pluralism in the Islamic world
-The role of Iran in the region
-Advancing women’s role in an unstable Middle East
-Ending civil wars

The Forum also convened working and action groups which focused on current issues confronting the Islamic world. Group topics include:
Here to stay and growing: Combating ISIS propaganda networks
The Arab uprisings and the next generation of Islamists
Strategic realignment in the Middle East
Action Group: Jumpstarting community-led initiatives to counter violent extremism

Strategic priorities for the United States and the Middle East

Pluralism in the Islamic World

The Role of Iran in the Region

Advancing women's role in an unstable Middle East

Keynote address by General John Allen (U.S. Marine Corp, Ret.)

Closing remarks and summary
