

Brookings Today, 7/31/14

A roundup of some of the content published today by Brookings.

  • Older firms increasingly dominant in America. Robert Litan and Ian Hathaway detail contributing factors driving the increasing share of economic activity occurring in older firms.

  • Colorado marijuana legalization a success. John Hudak explores the successful implementation of Colorado’s legal marijuana system.

  • Growing concentrated poverty in America. Elizabeth Kneebone highlights the growth of concentrated poverty across American cities, metro areas, and suburban communities.

  • Responses to immigration. Marisa Abrajano asks if immigration will cause a white backlash in America.

  • China’s fight against corruption. Cheng Li and Tom Orlik discuss Chinese President Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign.

  • Teachers and evaluation systems. Mark Dynarski argues that teachers should have more information on evaluation systems.

  • Government Accountability Office report on implicit subsidies for banks. Douglas Elliott argues that there does not appear to be a sound reason to change current government policy based on worries about implicit subsidies for large financial institutions.

Elina Saxena contributed to this post.