

American Metropolis: Divided We Sprawl

Bruce Katz
Bruce Katz Founding Director of the Nowak Metro Finance Lab - Drexel University

March 30, 2004

This presentation given by Bruce Katz to the Land Use Coalition at Yale (LUCY) presents the major trends affecting cities and metropolitan areas, the forces driving these trends, and the policy solutions available to affect positive change. The presentation has a specific focus on regional scale land use and transportation planning. This engagement was part of a spring semester speaker series sponsored by LUCY on various topics involving land use, regionalism and transportation planning, community design and smart growth, and the impacts of development at the rural/urban interface on protected areas and agriculture.

The urban center hosts and participates in a variety of public forums. To view a complete list of these events, please visit the urban center’s Speeches and Events page which provides copies of major speeches, powerpoint presentations, event transcripts, and event summaries.