To introduce the Center on Children and Families, the Brookings Institution is honored to announce a public event featuring Governor Mark Warner of Virginia and Congressman Michael Castle (R-Delaware). Both distinguished guests addressed the important role quality preschool education plays in preparing poor and minority children for school.
Gov. Warner, an advocate for increased spending on education in Virginia and chair of the National Governors Association’s initiative on Redesigning the American High School, has a strong record of educational leadership in his state and nationally.
Rep. Castle, as chair of the Subcommittee on Education Reform of the Committee on Education and the Workforce, plays a major role in oversight and reform of the Head Start program and other federal preschool programs.
After their presentations, Warner and Castle will respond to questions from a moderator as well as questions from the audience.
September 27
Isabel V. Sawhill Senior Fellow Emeritus - Economic Studies, Center for Economic Security and Opportunity @isawhill -
Hon. Michael Castle U.S. Representative (R-Del.)Mark R. Warner U.S. Senator