

9:30 am EST - 11:00 am EST

Past Event

The Internet Telephony Revolution: Reality or Hype?

  • Wednesday, March 10, 2004

    9:30 am - 11:00 am EST

National Press Club
Murrow, White, and Lisagor Rooms

529 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC

Moderated by:
Robert Hahn,
Executive Director, Joint Center


Robert Crandall,
Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution
Harold Furchtgott-Roth,
Former Member, FCC
Reed Hundt,
Former Chairman, FCC
Robert E. Litan,
Director, Joint Center

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AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies

The telecommunications industry seems to be on the verge of a transformation. A breakthrough technology, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), allows consumers to complete telephone calls over the Internet rather than over the standard switched access network. The FCC and state regulators are currently considering whether to regulate VoIP. Is this appropriate? What does VoIP imply for a host of other policy issues? The AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies will be sponsoring an event in which four leading experts discuss policy issues raised by VoIP. Included in the discussion will be rules regarding leasing telecommunications facilities to competitors, interconnection policies, and the effect of VoIP on universal service.

RSVP: Please contact Shannon Leahy and include both your name and affiliation.