With the expansion of the internet of things, public and private institutions have begun envisioning a future where technology solutions could increase public safety, enhance resource management, and sustain the environment. How might the 5G digital network improve water quality, air quality, traffic management, and building design in cities? What challenges might these efforts face?
On December 1, the Center for Technology Innovation at Brookings hosted a panel to discuss the future of intelligent and data-driven cities. A panel of experts examined the potential for technology to create sustainable urban environments through data from billions of sensors, the intelligent management of advanced networks, and sophisticated learning using real-time data analytics.
Following the discussion, panelists responded to audience questions. Join the conversation at #SmartCities or @BrookingsGov.
December 1
Darrell M. West Senior Fellow - Center for Technology Innovation, Douglas Dillon Chair in Governmental StudiesPanelist
Sokwoo Rhee Associate Director, Cyber-Physical Systems Program - National Institute of Standards and Technology @SokwooRhee