As the American administration nears its first anniversary, we are witnessing an approach that is new and different. “America First” naturally raises questions among allies and partners abroad about the scope and depth of U.S. involvement in world affairs. Allies are reassessing their own policies in the face of an America with dramatically different priorities. The Forum’s discussions and webcast sessions focused on the U.S.-Israel relationship, the future of the Middle East, and much more.
Over the past 14 years, the Saban Forum has become the premier platform for frank dialogue between American and Israeli leaders from government, civil society, business, and the media. The Forum has become a central venue for generating new ideas and shaping the future of the U.S.-Israel relationship.
The Saban Forum has hosted many distinguished leaders in the past, including President Barack Obama, President George W. Bush, President William J. Clinton, Israeli Prime Ministers Ariel Sharon and Benjamin Netanyahu, HM King Abdullah of Jordan, Israeli President Shimon Peres, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, and Secretaries of State John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and Condoleezza Rice.
A keynote conversation with Jared Kushner
Welcoming Remarks and Keynote conversation with John R. Allen
Before Sunset: The Iran Deal and What to Do About it
The Future of Saudi Arabia and its regional role
December 1
Friday, December 1
6:00 pm
Haim Saban Chairman and CEO - Saban Capital Group, Inc., Trustee - The Brookings Institution @haimsaban -
Friday, December 1
6:20 pm
Friday, December 1
8:00 pm
Sunday, December 3
8:45 am
Sunday, December 3
9:30 am
Sunday, December 3
12:00 pm
Haim Saban Chairman and CEO - Saban Capital Group, Inc., Trustee - The Brookings Institution @haimsaban