Expert Consultation on the Development of the World Bank’s New Education Strategy
Friday, March 26, 2010
9:00 am - 1:00 pm EDT
The Brookings Institution
1775 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC
On March 26, the Center for Universal Education at Brookings hosted an expert consultation on the development of the World Bank Group’s new Education Strategy. The consultative meeting brought together a small group of experts from diverse fields. The purpose of the discussion was to gather input and suggestions aimed at strengthening the World Bank Group’s work in the education sector.
Elizabeth King, Director of Education in the Human Development Network at the World Bank, opened the event by providing an overview of the Bank’s current approach to education, and how it has evolved over the last several decades. She described the Bank’s priorities as reconnecting education to the broader development agenda, supporting more equitable access, ensuring better learning, and strengthening education systems. The Bank’s main operating principals are taking a whole-sector approach, building the evidence base in education, and measuring the results and impact. Beginning with this extensive consultation process, the Bank is demonstrating its willingness to work with others in the development community to build a larger and more robust evidence base from which to draw lessons to improve the quality of limited staff to maximize the impact of Bank activities, to underscore its commitment to partnerships with other organizations and civil society groups, and to move toward improving the measurement of results so as to be able to further improve the Bank’s education programs around the world.
Scott R. Anderson, Vanda Felbab-Brown, Jeffrey Feltman, Caren Grown, Michael Hansen, George Ingram, Thomas Pepinsky, Anthony F. Pipa, Ghulam Omar Qargha, Molly E. Reynolds, Sweta Shah, Landry Signé