Since 2003, Prerna Girls School, a private school in the city of Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh, India, has educated girls from impoverished families. Nonresident Fellow Urvashi Sahni, Prerna founder and teacher, has written “Reaching for the Sky: Empowering Girls through Education,” which recounts how the school changed the lives of more than 5,000 girls and their families. Told from the perspectives of several of the girls themselves, the book offers an inspiring narrative. The launch of “Reaching for the Sky” will feature a panel discussion with Dr. Sahni, Chetna Jaiswal, a Prerna teacher, and Aarti Singh, a Prerna alumna.
Books will be for sale at the event.
September 20
Panel Discussion
Rebecca Winthrop Director - Center for Universal Education, Senior Fellow - Global Economy and Development @RebeccaWinthropPanelist
Urvashi Sahni Nonresident Fellow - Global Economy and Development, Center for Universal Education @urvashi_sahniChetna Jaiswal Teacher - Prerna Girls School, Study Hall Educational FoundationAarti Singh Alumna - Prerna Girls School, Study Hall Educational Foundation -
Closing Remarks
Sherrie Rollins Westin Executive Vice President, Global Impact and Philanthropy - Sesame Workshop