The opportunities and challenges presented to East Asia by China’s rapidly increasing international stature, economic influence and military heft have been thrown into sharp relief over the last few years. Escalating tensions over a series of maritime territorial disputes have contrasted with a marked improvement in cross-strait relations and with efforts by China to pursue free trade agreements with ASEAN countries as well as Japan and South Korea. Until recently, however, scholars who follow this issue have not had access to survey data that might allow them to draw more specific conclusions about the attitudes of other East Asians towards the rise of China.
On March 29, the John L. Thornton China Center and Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies at Brookings, the Program for East Asia Democratic Studies of the Academia Sinica and National Taiwan University, and the Institute of Arts and Humanities of Shanghai Jiaotong University will host a half-day conference to address this question. At the conference, panelists will present data from the Asian Barometer Survey and compare these findings with prevailing survey data in the United States. Leading experts from both sides of the Pacific will weigh the potential implications of these studies for future relations between China and other East Asian countries and for U.S.-China relations.
After each set of presentations, speakers will take audience questions.
March 29
How Americans and East Asians View the Rise of China
9:00 am
Chu Yun-han Distinguished Research Fellow, Academia Sinica - Professor, Department of Political Science, National Taiwan UniversityLIU Kang Professor of Chinese Studies, Duke University - Chair, Professor and Dean, Institute of Arts and Humanities, Shanghai Jiaotong UniversitySatu Limaye Director - East-West Center in WashingtonRobert Sutter Professor of Practice of International Affairs - Elliott School of George Washington University -
Geopolitics and Competition for Soft Power in East Asia
10:30 am
Min-Hua Huang Former Brookings Expert, Associate Professor of Political Science - National Taiwan UniversityBridget Welsh Senior Research Associate, Center for East Asia Democratic Studies - National Taiwan UniversityDavid M. Lampton Hyman Professor and Director of China Studies Emeritus - Johns Hopkins University SAISAndrew Nathan Class of 1919 Professor of Political Science - Columbia University -
Assessing Implications for East Asia and the United States
12:00 pm
Richard C. Bush Nonresident Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy, Center for Asia Policy Studies, John L. Thornton China CenterAndrew Nathan Class of 1919 Professor of Political Science - Columbia University