


9:00 am EST - 12:30 pm EST

Past Event

Can forces align to use health IT to improve care and lower costs?

  • Wednesday, March 4, 2015

    9:00 am - 12:30 pm EST

Brookings Institution
Falk Auditorium

1775 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC

Health information technology (health IT) is essential to providing clinicians and patients with the information and tools necessary to make decisions that can improve health outcomes and lower costs. While the 2009 Meaningful Use program (included in the federal stimulus package) and other initiatives have increased the adoption and use electronic health records (EHRs) there are many concerns about the benefits of health IT and the future of health IT policy. These concerns are particularly timely given the recent U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announcement to expand the use of value-based payment models in Medicare, as well as the release of a national roadmap to achieve interoperable health IT. Likewise, in the private sector, many organizations are shifting to value-based payments and are developing innovative products and services to capitalize on the potential of health IT.

On March 4, the Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform hosted an event to discuss the current state of health IT adoption, its potential to reinforce a quality and value-based payment system, and identify which policy changes will be necessary to support meaningful health IT transformation. The discussion included keynote remarks from Karen DeSalvo, National Coordinator for Health IT, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, as well as health IT and other policy experts.

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Health IT then and now: Perspectives on health IT and the government's role in care transformation

Keynote address by Karen B. DeSalvo

What is needed from policymakers, technology developers, and providers to support high-value care
