


Introducing Climate Sense, a podcast about climate change and what we can do about it

Climate Sense podcast

From hurricanes and floods, to wildfires and extreme temperatures, climate change is happening all around us. In this podcast series, energy and climate expert Samantha Gross, director of the Energy Security and Climate Initiative at Brookings, sheds light on the essentials of climate change and how to deal with it. She talks to other experts in various climate-related areas to help you understand the issue. How serious is climate change and what causes it? How does our energy system work and why do we use fossil fuels anyway? What are potential solutions and are they ready for prime time? Why is it taking so long for the world to act?

Episodes 1 and 2 debut on October 26.


GROSS: From hurricanes and floods to wildfires and extreme temperatures, climate change is happening all around us, the U.S. Congress just passed the most sweeping climate bill ever, and the world is gathering in Egypt to discuss next steps on climate. It’s clearly a top of mind issue for many of us. 

I’m Samantha Gross, director of the Energy Security and Climate initiative at the Brookings Institution, and I’ve spent my career focused on energy and environmental issues. In this podcast, I aim to bring some sense to the climate debate by talking with energy and climate experts to break down what’s really happening and what we can do about it. 

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