

<i>Design Snapshot</i> — Puget Sound’s ARRA Coordination: Facilitating Regional Stimulus Applications

July 4, 2009

The Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) is taking a lead role in helping the region successfully apply for ARRA competitive awards to maximize the flow of stimulus dollars into the region and support effective regional implementation. A series of new web-based tools, including a clearinghouse of competitive ARRA funding opportunities and regional project ideas, a blog, a message board, and an ARRA tutorial, facilitate information sharing and connections between disparate groups, while regular, formally-organized meetings between regional stakeholders encourage collaborative work on potential joint applications.

The Puget Sound Regional Council facilitates truly regional decision-making around ARRA opportunities. A regional body charged by state and federal laws to work on transportation, land use, and economic development issues for the four-county central Puget Sound area, PSRC is diligently acting on the notion that regionalism can be an important element in winning ARRA funds by creating new mechanisms to connect disparate local institutions around competitive grants available through the stimulus package.