
Richard Kazis

Nonresident Senior Fellow – Brookings Metro

In addition to being a nonresident senior fellow in the Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program, Richard Kazis is also a senior consultant to MDRC and to other national organizations and foundations on postsecondary education and workforce development. Recent projects have been with the Aspen College Excellence Program, the Aspen Economic Opportunities Program, the Boston Foundation, the Community College Research Center at Teachers College, and the Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas-Austin.

Kazis serves as Board Chair of The Institute for College Access and Success. Kazis was previously Senior Vice President of Jobs for the Future in Boston.

Kazis has co-authored one book, co-edited two others, and written extensively on low-income community college students’ performance and outcomes, youth employment and training, low-wage worker advancement, and labor market intermediaries in workforce development.

Recent publications include: “Reimagining Experiential Learning and Internships for Community College Students” in Teaching Students About the World of Work (Harvard Education Press); “Inequities in U.S. Higher Education Access and Success” in A Better Future: The Role of Higher Education for Displaced and Marginalised People (Cambridge University Press); and “Balancing Bold State Policy with Regional Flexibility: Pathways Tennessee” in Career Pathways in Action: Case Studies from the Field (Harvard Education Press).

A graduate of Harvard College and MIT, early in his career Kazis taught at an alternative high school, helped organize fast-food workers, worked with labor-environmental jobs coalitions, and supervised a Neighborhood Youth Corps program.

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