On Thursday, June 8, Brookings will host a public event to release a new book by Senior Fellows Ivo Daalder and Michael O’Hanlon, Winning Ugly: NATO’s War to Save Kosovo, and to commemorate the first anniversary of the end of the war with Serbia.
The keynote address will be given by General Wesley Clark, former Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, who directed the NATO war effort against Serbia. General Clark will provide his reflections on the conflict, the situation in Kosovo, and lessons for future military operations.
Following the general’s address, a panel discussion will address such questions as:
Did NATO win its war against Serbia, not only in military terms but by broader strategic measures?
Was the war preventable?
Did the NATO allies impede the United States from conducting an assertive and effective military campaign in the war’s early going as has often been alleged?
Does airpower deserve exclusive credit for Milosevic’s ultimate capitulation?
What are the lessons and consequences of the Kosovo war for NATO and for future humanitarian interventions?
Should China have a role in ending the war in Ukraine?
Pavel K. Baev, Robin Brooks, Jonathan A. Czin, Patricia M. Kim, Michael E. O’Hanlon, Constanze Stelzenmüller, Ryan Hass, Patricia M. Kim, Emilie Kimball