Chapter authors from The “People” in the PLA: Recruitment, Training, and Education in China’s 80-year Old Military, co-produced by the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College and The National Bureau of Asian Research, will present their findings, examining the human capital of China’s military.
Representing the distinguished group of PLA experts published in this volume, presenters will analyze the quality of the PLA’s human resources, identify trends in recruitment, training, and education of conscripts and officers, and assess how these trends are likely to influence the overall effectiveness of a future PLA force.
September 17
Welcome Remarks
Richard C. Bush Nonresident Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy, Center for Asia Policy Studies, John L. Thornton China CenterDLDouglas Lovelace Director, Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War CollegeRERich Ellings President, The National Bureau of Asian Research -
Panel I
Panel II
ASAndrew Scobell Distinguished Fellow - United States Institute of PeaceJCJohn Corbett CENTRA Technology, Inc.KGKristen Gunness Navy Special ProjectEHElizabeth Hague U.S. Department of State -
Closing Remarks
Richard C. Bush Nonresident Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy, Center for Asia Policy Studies, John L. Thornton China Center