
May 01, 2006 -


Upcoming Event

Seoul-Washington Forum

  • Monday, May 1, 2006 -

    12:00 am EDT

The Brookings Institution
Falk Auditorium

1775 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC

The Brookings Institution and the Sejong Institute co-hosted the inaugural session of the Seoul-Washington Forum on May 1 and 2, 2006, at the Westin Grand Hotel in Washington, DC. The Forum brought together scholars and former officials from the United States and the Republic of Korea to address the pressing issues facing the Korean peninsula and the U.S.-ROK alliance. Panel topics addressed by senior scholars and former officials from both sides included: the U.S.-ROK alliance; the six-party talks; replacing the armistice; and Korea-U.S. economic cooperation. The Forum was made possible by the generous support of the Korea Foundation.

Seoul-Washington Forum

Co-hosted by
The Brookings Institution and The Sejong Institute
Sponsored by
The Korea Foundation

May 1-2, 2006

Westin Grand Hotel
Washington Room
2350 M Street NW
Washington, DC
The Brookings Institution and the Sejong Institute co-hosted the inaugural session of the Seoul-Washington Forum on May 1 and 2, 2006, at the Westin Grand Hotel in Washington, DC. The Forum brought together scholars and former officials from the United States and the Republic of Korea to address the pressing issues facing the Korean peninsula and the U.S.-ROK alliance. Panel topics addressed by senior scholars and former officials from both sides included: the U.S.-ROK alliance; the six-party talks; replacing the armistice; and Korea-U.S. economic cooperation. The Forum was made possible by the generous support of the Korea Foundation.

Click here for biographies of Forum participants. 

May 1, 2006  
Opening Remarks Strobe Talbott
President, Brookings Institution
  Baek Jong-Chun
President, The Sejong Institute
  Kwon In Hyuk
President, The Korea Foundation
10:00am-12:15pm PANEL I: Partnership in Peace: Foundations for the U.S.-R.O.K. Alliance
Chair Donald Gregg
President, The Korea Society
Presenter Michael Green
Senior Adviser and Japan Chair, Center for Strategic & International Studies;
Associate Professor, Georgetown University
Forum paper
Presenter Park Kun Young
Professor, Catholic University of Korea
Forum paper
Presenter Bruce Cumings
Professor of History, The University of Chicago
Forum paper
Presenter Moon Chung-In
Professor of Political Science, Yonsei University
Forum paper
12:30-2:00pm LUNCHEON

James Kelly
Senior Adviser and Distinguished Alumnus, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Luncheon Address

2:15-4:30pm PANEL II: The Six-Party Talks: Moving Forward
Chair Yang Sung Chul
Former Ambassador to the United States, Republic of Korea
Presenter Chang Sun-Sup
Chairman of the Executive Board, Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization
Forum paper
Presenter David Asher
Adjunct Research Staff Member, Institute for Defense Analyses
Forum paper
Presenter Paik Haksoon
Director of Inter-Korean Relations Studies Program, The Sejong Institute; Executive Director, Seoul-Washington Forum
Forum paper
Presenter Leon Sigal
Director of the Northeast Asia Cooperative Security Project, Social Science Research Council
Forum paper
May 2, 2006  
10:00am-12:15pm PANEL III: The R.O.K.’s Self-Reliant Military Policy and the CFC: Replacing the Armistice
Chair Baek Jong-Chun
President, The Sejong Institute
Presenter Kim Dong Shin
Former Minister of Defense, Republic of Korea
Forum paper
Presenter John Tilelli, Jr.
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Cypress International Inc.
Forum presentation (transcript)
Presenter Hamm Taik-Young
Professor of Political Science, Kyungnam University
Forum paper
Presenter Bruce Bechtol, Jr.
Associate Professor of International Relations, United States Marine Corps Command and Staff College
Forum paper
12:30-2:00pm LUNCHEON
Presenter Christopher Hill
Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Luncheon Address
2:15-4:30pm PANEL IV: Korea-U.S. Economic Cooperation
Chair Joseph Winder
President, Winder International
Presenter Amy Jackson
Director, C&M International
Forum paper
Presenter Choi Seok Young
Minister for Economic Affairs, Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the United States
Forum paper
Presenter Claude Barfield
Resident Scholar, Director of Science and Technology Policy Studies, and Coordinator of Trade Policy Studies, American Enterprise Institute
Forum paper and accompanying materials
Presenter Lim Wonhyuk
CNAPS Visiting Fellow, The Brookings Institution; Fellow, Korea Development Institute
Forum paper and accompanying materials
NOTE: Lee Sang-Hyun, Director of the Security Studies Program at the Sejong Institute, and Jennifer Windsor, Executive Director of Freedom House, participated in the Forum as discussants.