BPEA Fall 2024 Conference


BPEA Fall 2024 Conference



1:30 pm EDT - 2:45 pm EDT

Past Event

Kenya in Transition: A Conversation with Vice President Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

1:30 pm - 2:45 pm EDT

The University of California Washington Center

1608 Rhode Island Avenue, NW
Washington, DC

Few countries have experienced transitions as dramatic as those occurring now in the Republic of Kenya. Just in the past year, Kenyans have adopted a new national constitution, deployed security forces to Somalia in pursuit of al-Shabaab militants, and discovered commercially-viable oil deposits. Amid these developments, Kenya is preparing for its first presidential elections since the 2008 election disputes.

On May 22, the Africa Growth Initiative (AGI) at Brookings hosted Kenya’s Vice President and Minister for Home Affairs Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka for a discussion on these dramatic transitions and current national challenges and opportunities. Vice President Musyoka was appointed by President Mwai Kibaki in 2008, and previously served as foreign affairs minister from 1993–98 and 2003–04.  Brookings Senior Fellow Mwangi Kimenyi, director of the Africa Growth Initiative, provided introductory remarks. Witney Schneidman, special guest with AGI, moderated the discussion.

After the program, Vice President Musyoka took audience questions.