COVID-19 has exposed fault lines, vulnerabilities, and structural weaknesses in emerging and advanced economies with recovery now expected to be long, uneven and uncertain. In this present moment, however, when the world appears upside down, there are opportunities to imagine, plan and build for a more resilient and sustainable future.
Five years into its operations, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) continues to seek out new investment opportunities by riding the wave of emerging trends in global infrastructure financing.
As the bank marks this important milestone, Brookings President John R. Allen hosted AIIB President Jin Liqun to discuss the Bank’s strategic vision for recovery and how raising the quality of infrastructure, mobilizing private finance and investing in tomorrow’s technology are among the most effective ways to trigger growth and set the world on a greener, more sustainable and inclusive path.
This discussion will be pre-recorded to accommodate time zones. To submit questions in advance, email [email protected] or tweet using the hashtag #AIIBBrookings.