On November 7, 2018, the Center for Universal Education (CUE) at Brookings hosted the Girls’ Education Research and Policy Symposium. The symposium held a series of thematic conversations that explored approaches to creating systems change for the most marginalized girls. Topics were based on the research of the 2018 Echidna Global Scholars, such as rethinking early childhood education from a gender perspective; addressing the need for data on the most marginalized populations in developing countries; leveraging political transitions for girls’ education reform; and working with teachers on empowering girls through gender sensitive pedagogies.
The panel discussions included brief presentations from the Echidna Global Scholars on their research on girls’ education in their home countries of China, Pakistan, Peru, and Uganda, followed by a moderated discussion with other experts in their thematic areas. In addition, panel discussions with alumni of the Echidna Global Scholars Program highlighted their continuing work on girls’ education policy from around the world.
November 7
Opening remarks and fireside chat: New global champions in girls’ education
9:00 am
Christina Kwauk Former Brookings Expert, Head of Climate and Education - Unbounded Associates @CKwauk -
Discussion: Engaging local champions for systems change
9:45 am
Rebecca Winthrop Director - Center for Universal Education, Senior Fellow - Global Economy and Development @drrebeccawinthropPanelist
Mayyada Abu Jaber 2014 Echidna Global Scholar - Center for Universal Education, Brookings Institution, CEO and Founder - World of Letters @MayyadajaberKhadim Hussain 2012 Echidna Global Scholar - The Brookings Institution, Founder and CEO - Grace Association, Pakistan @khadim5Damaris Seleina Parsitau 2017 Echidna Global Scholar - The Brookings Institution, Board Member - World Bicycle Relief, Founder - Let Maasai Girls Learn @dparsitauMadalo Samati Executive Director - Creative Centre for Community Mobilization (CRECCOM), 2013 Echidna Global Scholar - The Brookings Institution @samatimadalo -
Coffee break
11:00 am
Presentations by 2018 Echidna Global Scholars
11:15 am
[audio]https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/20181107_CUEGirlsEducation_Panel2.mp3[/audio]Hawah Nabbuye 2018 Echidna Global Scholar - The Brookings Institution, Uganda Country Director - Educate! Uganda @HawahHawahSumbal Naveed Founder - Institute of Learning for a Better Tomorrow, Pakistan, 2018 Echidna Global Scholar - The Brookings Institution @sumbalbaigEliana Villar Márquez 2018 Echidna Global Scholar - The Brookings Institution, Sociologist @elianavillarm -
Networking lunch
12:00 pm
Discussion: Leveraging political transitions in the tribal areas of Pakistan
1:00 pm
Abbas Khan Directorate of Education - Tribal Districts, Additional Director Planning - Tribal Districts @AkhanfataSumbal Naveed Founder - Institute of Learning for a Better Tomorrow, Pakistan, 2018 Echidna Global Scholar - The Brookings Institution @sumbalbaig -
Discussion: Addressing educational barriers for Afro-Peruvian girls
1:00 pm
Ingrid Sanchez Tapia Education Specialist in Gender Equality in Education and Secondary Education - UNICEF @IngridSanchezTEliana Villar Márquez 2018 Echidna Global Scholar - The Brookings Institution, Sociologist @elianavillarm -
Coffee break
2:15 pm
Discussion: Bridging the implementation gap in teachers’ use of gender sensitive pedagogy
2:30 pm
Hawah Nabbuye 2018 Echidna Global Scholar - The Brookings Institution, Uganda Country Director - Educate! Uganda @HawahHawah -
Discussion: Making a case for early childhood educators in the girls’ education ecosystem
2:30 pm
Christina Kwauk Former Brookings Expert, Head of Climate and Education - Unbounded Associates @CKwaukPanelist
Christia Spears Brown Director - Center for Equality and Social Justice, University of Kentucky, Professor of Developmental Psychology - University of Kentucky @ChristiaBrown -
Coffee break
3:45 pm
Lessons in girls’ education diplomacy for policy change
4:00 pm
Christine Apiot Okudi Education Programme Manager - Cotton On Foundation, Uganda, 2016 Echidna Global Scholar - The Brookings Institution @ChristineApiotDasmine Kennedy Acting Regional Director - Ministry of Education and Youth, Jamaica, 2017 Echidna Global Scholar - The Brookings Institution @dasmine_kennedyNima Tshering Former Echidna Global Scholar - Center for Universal Education, Brookings Institution, Lead Policy Advisor - Royal Government of Bhutan @goodnima -
Closing remarks
5:00 pm
Christina Kwauk Former Brookings Expert, Head of Climate and Education - Unbounded Associates @CKwauk -
Networking reception
5:15 pm