9:00 am EDT - 10:45 am EDT
Past Event
As China’s influence on the global economy and regional security grows — alongside tensions with the United States — it has become even more important to understand the distinct characteristics and views of China’s youth, who will increasingly shape the country’s trajectory. China’s millennials and younger age cohorts have arguably witnessed greater socioeconomic and demographic changes than prior generations. They have not only been integral participants in China’s rapid economic rise, but also have been distinctively engaged in evolving family planning policies, the largest domestic rural-to-urban migration in Chinese history, the opening of extensive educational opportunities abroad, and the arrival of the digital era.
As members of the younger generations are assuming more prominent roles in the country, what kind of relationships will they have with the Chinese government? How do their views, values, and voices differ from preceding generations in the PRC? What are their intra-generational differences, and what characteristics do they share with counterparts around the world?
On October 15, the John L. Thornton China Center at Brookings hosted Li Chunling, who presented the key findings from her new book “China’s Youth” from Brookings Institution Press, and a panel discussion of leading experts who examined the implications of this exceptional generation for the country and the world. Viewers submitted questions via email to [email protected] or via Twitter at #USChina.
John Villasenor
September 24, 2024
Brookings Institution, Washington DC
Tuesday, 10:00 am - 11:00 am EST
Brookings Institution, Washington DC
Thursday, 1:30 pm - 2:45 pm EDT