America’s economic and innovative prowess and its ability to attract and cultivate human talent are complex economic problems and social issues that have created significant challenges at home and abroad. Policymakers increasingly recognize that America’s domestic renewal and its relationship to its strength in the world have become increasingly entwined. As the United States and other countries increasingly engage in multidomain competition with China, it is critical to gain a clear-eyed perspective of how America can adapt best practices in its economic and human capital strategy going forward.
On July 21, Brookings hosted a conversation with Representative Darin LaHood (R-IL) to offer insights into the current situation of America’s domestic renewal and its importance to the country’s future on the world stage. The event also convened a panel of experts to discuss how the United States can best pursue a path of domestic renewal and invest in its ability to enhance its global standing amidst increasing economic and geopolitical challenges from China and other countries. Brookings Senior Fellow Ryan Hass and CSIS Freeman Chair Jude Blanchette moderated the discussions. This event was part of the Vying for Talent program which is jointly hosted by Brookings and CSIS.
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In Partnership With
July 21
Fireside conversation
1:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Ryan Hass Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy, Center for Asia Policy Studies, John L. Thornton China Center, Chen-Fu and Cecilia Yen Koo Chair in Taiwan Studies, The Michael H. Armacost Chair @ryanl_hassKeynote
Darin LaHood Representative for the 18th District of Illinois - U.S. House of Representatives @RepLaHood -
Panel discussion
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm
Jude Blanchette Freeman Chair in China Studies - CSISPanelist
Sujai Shivakumar Director and Senior Fellow, Renewing American Innovation Project - CSIS @ShivakumarSujaiTara Watson Director - Center for Economic Security and Opportunity, Senior Fellow - Economic Studies @taraelizwatson