The broad Japan-U.S. alliance is one of the most important partnerships for each country. Among a variety of tasks, the fundamental strategic purpose of the alliance in the coming decades will be to manage the revival of China as a great power. It is in both Washington’s and Tokyo’s interest that China’s revival occurs in ways that contribute to the stability of the international system rather than disrupt it. Understanding the character and trajectory of a reviving China is key to positive engagement and China’s international participation. Yet even this is no small task, and is made more complicated by a pluralism of views within both the United States and Japan on how to view China and how to approach it.
On December 19, the Center for East Asia Policy Studies hosted a seminar examining American and Japanese interpretations of China. In two sessions, leading China specialists from the United States and Japan presented views of China’s economic policy and trajectory, and its political system, priorities, and resources for dealing with policy challenges. Panel moderators and participants sought to analyze the policy implications of gaps in interpretation.
China’s Reemergence as a Great Power: Comparing American and Japanese Perspectives
December 19
Panel 1: China's Domestic Economy
12:00 am
HLHenry Levine Senior Advisor - Albright Stonebridge GroupTomoo Marukawa Professor of Chinese economy - Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo -
Panel 2: Politics and Governance in China
12:00 am
Jonathan D. Pollack Nonresident Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy, Center for Asia Policy Studies, John L. Thornton China CenterTKTomoki Kamo Associate Professor, Faculty of Policy Management, Graduate School of Media and Governance - Keio UniversityATAkio Takahara Professor, Faculty of Law, Graduate Schools for Law and Politics - University of Tokyo -
Welcome and Introduction
12:00 am
Richard C. Bush Nonresident Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy, Center for Asia Policy Studies, John L. Thornton China Center