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Washington, DC
In the span of a generation, conservative intellectuals and activists have succeeded in mounting a potent challenge to liberal legal theories, writes Steven M. Teles in The Rise of the Conservative Legal Movement (Princeton University Press, 2008). In this just-published but already widely acclaimed book, Teles provides a compelling account of the movement’s rise to power and influence by building a robust infrastructure of legal advocacy groups and networking organizations.
On March 24, William Galston of the Brookings Institution moderated a discussion with Teles, Jack Balkin of Yale Law School, and Michael S. Greve of the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI).
This book forum is co-sponsored by the Brookings Institution and AEI, and is part of the “Governing Ideas” series. The series, hosted by Brookings’s Governance Studies program, is intended to broaden the discussion of governance issues through forums on timely and relevant books on history, culture, legal norms and practices, values and religion.
After the program, the panelists took audience questions.