
Economía: Spring 2013

Raquel Bernal, Ugo Panizza, Roberto Rigobon, and Rodrigo Soares
Release Date: July 15, 2013

Contents • The Global Credit Crunch and Foreign Banks’ Lending to Emerging Markets: Why did Latin America Fare Better? Herman Kamil (IMF) and Kulwant Rai (University of Virginia) • The...

This semiannual journal from the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA) provides a forum for influential economists and policymakers from the region to share high-quality research directly applied to policy issues within and among those countries.

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• The Global Credit Crunch and Foreign Banks’ Lending to Emerging Markets: Why did Latin America Fare Better? Herman Kamil (IMF) and Kulwant Rai (University of Virginia)

• The Latin American Development Problem Diego Restuccia (University of Toronto)

• Dynamic Provisioning: Some Lessons from Existing Experiences Santiago Fernandez de Lis and Alicia Garcia-Herrero (BBVA)

• On the Usefulness and Pitfalls of Development Accounting in Latin America Christian Daude (OECD Development Centre)
