

Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 1991:1, Macroeconomics

William C. Brainard, George L. Perry
Release Date: July 1, 1991

For almost thirty years, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (BPEA) has provided academic and business economists, government officials, and members of the financial and business communities with timely research of...

For almost thirty years, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (BPEA) has provided academic and business economists, government officials, and members of the financial and business communities with timely research of current economic issues.

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Contents Include:


East Germany in from the Cold: The Economic Aftermath of Currency Union, George A. Akerlof, Andrew K. Rose, Janet L. Yellen, and Helga Hessenius

Convergence across States and Regions, Robert J. Barro and Xavier Sala-I-Martin

The Decline in Saving: Some Microeconomic Evidence, Barry Bosworth, Gary Burtless, and John Sabelhaus

Financial Structure: An International Perspective Report, Allen B. Frankel and John D. Montgomery

Efficient or Exclusionist? The Import Behavior of Japanese Corporate Groups, Robert Z. Lawrence


William C. Brainard is professor of economics at Yale University. George L. Perry is a senior fellow in the Economic Studies program at the Brookings Institution.