
Beyond Bonn

America and the Berlin Republic

Daniel S. Hamilton
Release Date: January 1, 1994

Radical changes in the European landscape compel a reexamination of U.S. policy toward Germany. The Bonn Republic, the western part of a divided nation, is being transformed into the Berlin Republic, Europe’s central power. How should Americans think about Germany today? If it is not simply the Bonn Republic writ large, how does it differ and what implications does that carry for U.S. policy? What role should the bilateral relationship play in U.S. policies toward Europe and on global issues.

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace invited twenty-nine experts to examine one of America’s most important relationships in light of these changes and new domestic and international priorities facing the United States. The Carnegie Study Group in U.S. Policy toward Germany was chaired by Steven Muller, former President of Johns Hopkins University and currently Co-Chairman of the University’s Institute of Contemporary German Studies. The group included scholars, business leaders, government officials and other prominent individuals who shape relations between the United States and its strongest European ally.

The United States and Germany remain pivotal partners, but a business-as-usual approach is inadequate to the challenges of the post-Wall world. Beyond Bonn calls for a wide range of pathbreaking policy initiatives to reinvigorate one of America’s most important relationships. Together they constitute a new transatlantic bargain.