

Brookings Today, 10/22/14

A roundup of some of the content published today by Brookings.

  • Character and opportunity. The Center on Children and Families launches a new collection of essays on the formation of character and its relationship to questions of opportunity.
  • What the UK can teach the U.S. about metro growth. Bruce Katz explains what Britain’s City Growth Commission can teach the U.S. about the devolution of power from national to city-level governments.
  • U.S.-led anti-ISIS coalition alienates allies, emboldens Iran. Mike Doran argues that President Obama’s actions against the Islamic State have accompanied a “silent partnership” with Iran on regional security issues, and have alienated key U.S. allies in the region.
  • Xi Jinping’s inner circle. Cheng Li explores Chinese President Xi Jinping’s personal and political bonds that will help him carry out his policy agenda.
  • From captivity to freedom. Jeffrey Fowle—an American detained in North Korea for over six months—was recently released to the United States. Katharine Moon presents possible reasons why North Korea decided to release him.
  • The market and water. Bob Litan comments on how market-driven solutions might be the best way to deal with water shortages in the arid West.
  • Key issues in the South Dakota Senate race. Writing for FixGov blog, Professor Jon Schaff of Northern State University answers important questions about the Senate race among Republican former Governor Mike Rounds, Democrat Rick Weiland, and former Republican U.S Senator-turned Independent Larry Pressler.

Charmaine Crutchfield contributed to this post.