Great power competition and overseas bases


Great power competition and overseas bases
Jaime Gloshay
Guest Author

Jaime Gloshay

Navajo,White Mountain Apache, Kiowa, Co-Director – Native Women Lead

Jaime Gloshay is a Co-Director of Native Women Lead, where she oversees capital expansion, program design, international development, and evaluation efforts. She is a Movement Partner with Justice Funder’s Just Transition in Investment Community, a Partnership Committee member for Community Credit Lab, a SheEO Activator, an Advisor for Angels of Impact, and an Emerging Fund Manager for the 2021–2022 Purpose Futures Fellowship. She is also a facilitator for Kindle Project’s Indigenous Women’s Flow Fund and a supporting faculty member for Trauma of Money. Jaime holds a BA in Native American Studies & Political Science and an MPA in Public Management from the University of New Mexico.

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