Whether you’re a journalist referencing our publications, an educator incorporating our material into your curriculum, a researcher citing our work in your studies, or a content creator looking to reproduce Brookings material, these guidelines are here to help you navigate the permissions process smoothly. We encourage you to review these guidelines carefully to ensure compliance with our policies and to facilitate a seamless permissions process.

If you’re unsure whether you need permission or how to properly attribute Brookings content, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] for guidance.

Attribution Requirements

When using Brookings material, proper attribution must be provided to the Brookings Institution as the source. Attribution should include the title of the publication or webpage, the author(s) if available, and a direct link to the original content on Brookings.edu. Attribution should be clear, visible, and prominently placed wherever Brookings material is used, ensuring that readers can easily identify the source of the content.

Permissions Guidelines


No permission is required for linking to the Brookings website.


No permission is required to use brief excerpts or quotations from Brookings work—typically no more than 100 words or 10% of the total content—in news reports, articles, or reviews. Use of excerpts or quotations must be accompanied by an acknowledgment of the Brookings Institution as the source.


No permission is required to use Brookings material for nonprofit educational purposes, including in classrooms, research projects, and academic publications, provided that proper attribution is given to the Brookings Institution as the source.

When using Brookings material for educational purposes, please ensure that the integrity and accuracy of the content are maintained, and that the material is not misrepresented or used in a manner that suggests endorsement by the Brookings Institution.


Permission is required for any commercial use of Brookings content, such as in advertisements, promotional materials, or products for sale. All requests will undergo a thorough review process, considering factors such as the nature of the proposed use, alignment with Brookings’ mission, and potential impact on the organization’s brand. Depending on the extent of use and potential commercial benefit, licensing fees or royalties may be required.


Permission is required to use any video or audio content produced or owned by Brookings. This includes but is not limited to interviews, panel discussions, lectures, podcasts, and webinars.
Please submit a permission request detailing the specific material to be used, the intended audience(s), and the platform it would be published on.


Permission is required to translate Brookings material into languages other than English. Please submit a permission request detailing the specific material to be translated, the intended language(s), and the purpose for the translation.

Translations must accurately reflect the original content and maintain proper attribution to the Brookings Institution as the source. Translated versions should include a statement indicating that the translation is unofficial, and that the accuracy of the translation cannot be guaranteed.

Submit a Request for Permission

To submit a request to reprint or re-publish original work by Brookings, including translating, copying, or reproducing whole publications, illustrations, photographs, diagrams, or graphics from a book, article, report, video, podcast, or web page, email [email protected].

Permission requests should include:

  • Requester’s name, affiliation, address, e-mail address, and phone number
  • Title of Brookings work product(s) or web page(s)
  • Page numbers or URLs of specific material to be used from Brookings
  • The way in which Brookings material will be used

Academic or corporate reproduction requests for Brookings Institution Press books should be submitted through the Copyright Clearance Center.

Copyright Clearance Center
222 Rosewood Drive
Danvers, MA 01923
Phone: 978.750.8400
Fax: 978.646.8600
[email protected]