

Brookings Today, 12/31/14

A roundup of some of the content published today at Brookings. Happy New Year.

  • Curriculum reform to fight the Taliban in Pakistan. Madiha Afzal says it is time to reform the official curriculum in Pakistan, which she calls “an amalgam of religious dogma, historical half-truths, blatant lies, biases, and conspiracy theories.” 
  • Calling Islamic State “Daesh” is not a good idea. Shadi Hamid and Will McCants explain why Sec. of State John Kerry’s rhetorical decision to call the Islamic State by its Arabic acronym, Daesh, is not a good idea.
  • Africa and the post-2015 development agenda. In one of the Foresight Africa papers, Homi Kharas and Julie Biau explain the three prongs of the post-2015 development agenda—job creation, infrastructure and governance, and peace and security—and what they mean for Africa. (PDF)
  • 10 things we learned at Brookings this year. Communications Office staff offer this list of 10 things our experts learned about the world over the last year.