Executive Education Policies


All cancelations, substitutions, or transfer requests must be made in writing. Please notify the registrar as soon as possible. 

With appropriate notice, you can transfer from a course or substitute another participant without penalty. The chart below outlines fees for cancellations or changes made within 15 business days of a scheduled course. In limited circumstances, transfer fees may be waived at the discretion of WashU at Brookings.

Exceptions may be made in limited circumstances at the discretion of WashU at Brookings.

  • Open Enrollment Courses

    Notice (Business Days) Substitutions Transfer fee  Cancelation fee
    30 days or more Yes None None
    15 to 29 days Yes None 25% of original cost
    3 to 14 days Yes 15% of original cost 50% of original cost
    2 days  Not permitted Not permitted 100% of original cost
  • Cohort Programs

    Cohort Programs

    Substitutions and transfers cannot be made once the program begins.

  • LEGIS Fellowship

    Notice (Business Days) Substitutions Cancelation fee
     14 days or less No 50% of original cost




If you miss any portion of a course, WashU at Brookings cannot refund your tuition or offer complementary participation in a future offering of the course

If you miss any portion of a course, WashU at Brookings cannot refund your tuition or offer complementary participation in a future offering of the course. You will receive fewer instructional hours, Continuing Education Units (CEUs), or credits toward a certificate program.

Depending on your attendance record, you may not be entitled to a letter of completion. If you do not complete a cohort program, you will not earn a certificate or be entitled to an alumni discount.

Alumni Discount

Complete your certificate and qualify for a 25% discount on future programs

Graduates of WashU Olin Business School qualify for 50% off future executive education courses from WashU at Brookings.

Certificate alumni are eligible for a 25% discount. Complete one of the following certificates to qualify:

  • Certificate in Public Leadership
  • Certificate in Policy Strategy
  • Women’s Leadership Program
  • LEGIS Congressional Fellowship

Discounted seats are limited, subject to availability, and available only to verified certificate holders or alumni. To receive your discount, e-mail the course you would like to take to [email protected].

WashU at Brookings Changes & Cancelations

If a course is canceled or rescheduled we will notify you as soon as possible

If WashU at Brookings changes, reschedules, or cancels a course or program for any reason, every effort will be made to notify you at least 30 days before the start date.

If your course has been rescheduled or canceled, you may transfer to another course or request a refund. Transfer or cancelation fees will not apply. You are responsible for any travel costs incurred.

Inclement Weather

If the federal government calls for a delayed opening or liberal telework or leave, we open on time

If the federal government closes due to inclement weather, scheduled courses will be canceled. Every effort will be made to notify you of any changes immediately and to reschedule the course for a future date.

If the federal government calls for a delayed opening or offers liberal leave or telework, WashU at Brookings will open on time. Courses will proceed as scheduled.


Photographs are occasionally taken during classes. If you do not want to be photographed, please inform the staff

WashU at Brookings reserves the right to use photos taken during its events and activities for promotional purposes.

Photographs occasionally are taken during classes, but if you do not want to be photographed, you can inform the staff.