How states can raise taxes successfully


How states can raise taxes successfully


Counternarcotics Policy Overview: Global Trends & Strategies

Introduction:  While seeking to act within the framework of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotics Drugs, the cornerstone of the counternarcotics regime, countries have adopted a variety of supply-side and demand-side measures. This paper, drafted in response to a request from the Partnership for the Americas Commission for a survey of experience and studies on addressing narcotics trafficking, reviews experience with both supply and demand side strategies for controlling narcotics trafficking and drug use

Goals of Counternarcotics Efforts:

While most countries define reducing the consumption of illicit narcotics as a key goal, counternarcotics policies frequently seek to accomplish other objectives. These include the reduction of social harms associated with production, trafficking, and use, such as drug-related violence, corruption, drug-caused mortality, and disease spread.

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