Matthew Collin

Matthew Collin

Nonresident Fellow – Global Economy and Development

Matthew Collin is a nonresident fellow in the Global Economy and Development program at Brookings and a senior economist at the EU Tax Observatory. He is an Anglo-American economist whose research focuses on understanding and addressing spillovers of global institutions and norms as well as helping domestic institutions become more efficient and equitable. Specifically, his recent academic research aims to understand the costs and benefits of policies aimed at reducing illicit financial flows, including money laundering and cross-border tax evasion. It also includes work on making property rights systems more effective, improving domestic tax compliance, and measuring the effectiveness of age-of-marriage laws. He is also keenly interested in the implications for machine learning in development policy as well as how access to science improves research productivity in developing countries. Collin has previously worked in the World Bank as an economist in the Global Tax Team and as a Young Professional in the Human Development Chief Economist’s office. He has also previously held positions as a research fellow at the Center for Global Development and as an ODI Fellow in the Ministry of Finance of Malawi. He holds both a DPhil in economics and an MSc in economics for development from the University of Oxford and a BA in mathematics and economics from Clemson University.

  • Current Positions

    • Senior Economist, EU Tax Observatory
  • Past Positions

    • Economist, World Bank
    • David M. Rubenstein Fellow, The Brookings Institution (2020-2021)
    • Economist, World Bank (2019)
    • Young Professional, World Bank (2016-2018)
    • Research Fellow, Center for Global Development Europe (2015-2016)
    • Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Global Development Europe (2014)
    • Research Officer, Centre for the Study of African Economics (2013-2014)
    • Economist/Budget Officer, Ministry of Finance, Malawi (2006-2008)
  • Education

    • DPhil in economics, University of Oxford
    • MSc in economics for development, University of Oxford
    • BA in mathematical sciences and economics, Clemson University
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