Wilson, Daniel J. is a Research Advisor and Senior Economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (FRBSF). He has a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Maryland. His fields of research include public finance, empirical macroeconomics, and labor economics. Much of his research has investigated the effects of various state tax policies, including research and development tax credits, investment tax credits, and the corporate income tax, on local and national economic activity. He also has extensively studied the effectiveness of federal government spending, particularly spending on public infrastructure. His research is published or forthcoming in top economics journals such as American Economic Review, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Monetary Economics, Journal of Public Economics, and American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. He has taught Macroeconomics as a visiting Lecturer at the University of Michigan and has consulted for the IMF.
Guest Author
Daniel Wilson
Research Advisor, Macroeconomic Research & Senior Economist – Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco