

An Outcomes-Based Approach to Resource Sharing in Kenya: A Case Study of Malaria Treatment

October 22, 2013

Kenya’s 2010 constitution puts greater responsibility and spending power in the hands of its 47 county governments. In making the transition to a devolved governance system, Kenya faces important questions about how best to allocate funding from the national level to the county level.

The current approach for allocating resources to counties focuses on devising an equitable allocation formula based on the population, poverty rate and geographic size of each county. However, the interactive below shows an outcomes driven approach to allocating resources to county governments by using line-item budgeting with malaria treatment as an example.

By focusing on the desired outcome—in this case the provision of treatment for malaria—in each county, policymakers can better understand how much budgeting is required to deal with and address specific public policy challenges at the local county level. For more information on Kenya’s devolution and resource sharing process and the different approaches to allocating county budgets, please read
the related commentary